Emergency Warning Systems
Emergency Warning Systems are designed to give warning and information messages in case of emergency or in the need for warning in the environment such as medical, safety, security weather related accidents and many more cases. The products have speaker with loud voice which enables people to hear the records clearly. There are indoor and outdoor products which could be used in various applications such as banks, hotels, public places, hospitals, shopping malls and many more.
Disabled assistance monitoring software is designed to display the data from the call button and corded device collectively on the computer software. It is ensured that the various parameters of the devices and alarm data coming from the devices are viewed from a single point. Alarm status of the devices, battery levels, signal levels, receiver and transmitter addresses are shown on the software.
Voice Warning Systems
Voice warning systems aim to protect people with voice warning in case of an emergency. The system is designed to give warning and information messages in case of emergency or in the need for a warning in the environment such as medical, safety, security weather related accidents and many more cases. Different voices could be recorded from the manufacturing plant and also user could record the voice depending on their need.
Disabled Assistance
Disabled assistance systems is designed for the elderly, disabled and people who need help in public areas. The systems are used in hotels, banks, shopping malls, nursing homes, care centres, shops, offices and many more places.